Ball Clay

Ball clay is a type of highly plastic, fine-grained sedimentary clay that contains a large percentage of kaolinite, mica, and quartz. It is named "ball clay" because it was originally mined in the shape of balls. This type of clay is known for its high binding capacity, which makes it extremely valuable in the ceramic industry. Here are some key characteristics and uses of ball clay:


  • Plasticity: Ball clay has excellent plasticity, which means it can be easily molded and shaped when wet.

  • Fine Particle Size: The clay has a very fine particle size, contributing to its smooth texture and workability.

  • Color: It usually appears gray or buff in color but can be white when fired.

  • Composition:It consists mainly of kaolinite (20-80%), mica (10-25%), and quartz (6-65%).


  • Ceramics: Ball clay is widely used in the manufacture of ceramics, including pottery, sanitary ware, and tiles. It is often blended with other clays to improve workability and strength.

  • Refractory Products: Due to its high alumina content, ball clay is also used in the production of refractory products such as kiln linings and firebricks.

  • Construction: In the construction industry, it is used in the production of bricks and cement.

  • Paints and Coatings:Ball clay is used as a filler and extender in paints and coatings, providing smoothness and improving application properties.

  • Rubber and Plastics:It serves as a filler in the rubber and plastic industries, enhancing the strength and durability of products.

  • Cosmetics:: In the cosmetics industry, ball clay is used as a natural ingredient in face masks and other skincare products due to its absorbent properties.

  • Overall, ball clay is a versatile material essential for various industrial applications, especially in ceramics, where its unique properties are highly valued.

  • Ball Clay

Name of Test Result Compound Result in %
Shrinkage (%) 8.47 SiO2 (%) 49.58
Loss on Ignition (%) 12.82 Al2O3 (%) 30.72
Dry MOR (Kg/cm2) 29.2 Fe2O3 (%) 1.39
Fired MOR ( Kg/cm2) 303.4 TiO2 (%) 1.22
Water Absorption (%) 6.64 CaO (%) 1.86
Water of Plasticity (%) 35.4 MgO (%) 0.68
T.D.S 480 K2O (%) 0.89
Residue (240# 2 minute grinding) (%) 1.72 Na2O (%) 0.36
L Value 81.11 Loss on Ignition (%) 13.04
A Value 2.12
B Value 13.72
Whiteness 58.04
Temperature (°C) 1188/1196
Cycle (Mins) 55